Knowledge Base
The ClearSale Platform
Ecommerce Fraud Basics
Types of Fraud
Chargeback Management
False Declines & Approval Rates
Ecommerce Platforms and Integrations
About ClearSale
How ClearSale Works
The ClearSale Platform
Timing and Performance
ClearSale Pricing
Implementation, Support and Training
Reporting & Contacting ClearSale
Customizing ClearSale
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Knowledge Base
The ClearSale Platform
Ecommerce Fraud Basics
Types of Fraud
Chargeback Management
False Declines & Approval Rates
Ecommerce Platforms and Integrations
About ClearSale
How ClearSale Works
The ClearSale Platform
Timing and Performance
ClearSale Pricing
Implementation, Support and Training
Reporting & Contacting ClearSale
Customizing ClearSale
The ClearSale Platform
The nuts and bolts of how our platform works
Do all orders go through ClearSale’s platform?
How do businesses manage and maintain the ClearSale platform?
What information does ClearSale use to evaluate a transaction?
Should businesses activate the payment gateway before or after risk management recommendations?
Which payments options does ClearSale Support?
Are businesses required to use behavioral analytics with ClearSale?
Does ClearSale have both pre-authentication sync fraud analysis and post-authentication analysis?
Does ClearSale need historical data to run the model?
Does ClearSale use allow or deny lists?
Can ClearSale handle abrupt changes in transaction volumes?
What data elements can businesses use to search for related transactions?
How do ClearSale clients use the ClearSale dashboard?
What is ClearSale’s user management policy?