Knowledge Base
How ClearSale Works
Ecommerce Fraud Basics
Types of Fraud
Chargeback Management
False Declines & Approval Rates
Ecommerce Platforms and Integrations
About ClearSale
How ClearSale Works
The ClearSale Platform
Timing and Performance
ClearSale Pricing
Implementation, Support and Training
Reporting & Contacting ClearSale
Customizing ClearSale
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Knowledge Base
How ClearSale Works
Ecommerce Fraud Basics
Types of Fraud
Chargeback Management
False Declines & Approval Rates
Ecommerce Platforms and Integrations
About ClearSale
How ClearSale Works
The ClearSale Platform
Timing and Performance
ClearSale Pricing
Implementation, Support and Training
Reporting & Contacting ClearSale
Customizing ClearSale
How ClearSale Works
What we do and how we do it
What kind of solutions does ClearSale offer?
How does ClearSale’s fraud prevention solution work?
How does ClearSale evaluate orders for fraud?
How does ClearSale prevent fraud attacks?
How does ClearSale prevent false declines?
Does ClearSale’s fraud prevention process take more time?
What transaction types does ClearSale cover?
How does ClearSale’s threat intelligence and brand monitoring solution work?
What roles do the ClearSale teams fill?