What is it like to work for ClearSale?

ClearSale embraces diversity and inclusion to inspire innovation and excellence. We recognize that the people who work for us are our most valuable assets.

We are LGBTQIA+ friendly and empower female leadership, which has garnered ClearSale accolades and awards for inclusivity and diversity. Further, ClearSale management cares about the well-being of employees and develop our practices based on a clear set of values:

  • Agility: We train for tactical agility to keep our critical and creative thinking fresh and ensure we remain bold, astute and pioneering. This flexibility enables us to adapt to market changes without breaking a sweat.
  • Trust: We believe a team with integrity accomplishes more. We hire the cream of the crop, and we invest in our relationships. Our positive, productive company culture empowers us to face challenges fearlessly.
  • Courage: Choosing to embrace challenges and blaze new trails isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires bravery, integrity and commitment. We consider ourselves warriors on the battlefield of fraud … and all warriors value courage.
  • Inclusivity: We lead the way in reimagining the limiting language in our industry. By shifting from “blacklists” to “deny lists” and from “whitelists” to “allow lists,” we’re bringing necessary equity to everyday business language.
  • Empowering: We believe that women are natural leaders, which is why our management team is full of powerful female leadership. This philosophy has allowed us to hire some of the top innovators who are shaping our company and the future of the industry.
  • Wellness: As a people-focused company, we insist that our employees prioritize wellness and well-being. During the pandemic, we not only transitioned to remote working quickly, but our teams also found creative ways to help employees stay connected and foster positive mental health, such as surprise self-care home deliveries and regular Zoom calls to connect team members who normally don’t work together.

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